

【樽由来のアロマ】内側を焦がすレベルによる分類 ( 弱 ⇔ 中 ⇔ 強 )





[所要時間 : 9分03秒]

The Use of Oak in Winemaking & Barrel Making








【仏ボトルサイズ】容量 ⇔ 熟成のスピード ...の関係性




[所要時間 : 2分59秒]

Bottle Sizes Of Bordeaux Wine










↓記事のシャンパーニュ vs ボルドー vs ブルゴーニュのボトルサイズの比較表が素晴らしい。ティタンジェが1988年に作った ソヴリン("王"の意)ってサイズもあるのか~。ゴリアテとかラピュタ思い出す。。。

Is size important? A guide to wine bottle sizes

Google 翻訳



【仏ボ地方 : 貴腐ワイン】動画から深く学ぶ 歴史 / 品種 / 気象条件 / 効率 など




[所要時間 : 5分59秒]

How The Sweet Wine of Bordeaux Is Made


以下、ポイント / キーワードを拾っていきます。


Viticulture and wine making in Bordeaux dates back thousands of years to the Roman times

However, it wasn't until the 1600s that sweet wines became popular within the region

With the arrival of the Dutch in the early 17th century

demands shifted within Bordeaux

Moving away from lighter red wines towards more structured medium bodied Reds as well as sweet white wines




→ 名物の「風車」は 実は干拓用 = 得技  → ボルドーの干拓・発展に寄与







ボルドー、ワインの歴史 その8 (まとめ) | ろくでなしチャンのブログ

メドックの変遷1 地勢と干拓 | ろくでなしチャンのブログ

Sauternes Wine — History & Sweetness - Betty's Wine Musings

Noble rot - Wikipedia





Although Bordeaux today is still dominated by red grape varieties the areas of Sauternes

And Barsac are identified as being prime locations for white wine production and some of the world's greatest sweet wines are produced here

What grape series here? In our region we have three types of grapes


Semillon which is the prominent grape that originated in sit down probably around the 4th century

It brings a lot of nectars a lot of structure to the wine. Then you complement it with the


Sauvignon Blanc, which we consider a contributor of citrus characteristics


and the third grape that we have is Muscadelle

It's not prominent. It's very it's it's very thin-skinned grape

So it's very susceptible to disease and you need to have very good clay to have very good Muscadelle


So today most people have mostly Semillon

Complemented with a bitter Sauvignon Blanc and some places have a bit of Muscadelle


3種類のブドウ品種 - 役割

・セミヨン= 骨格として (主体となる品種)

・ソーヴィニョン・ブラン=シトラスのような爽やかさ (補助品種)

・ミュスカデル華やかさ (補助品種)

Muscadelle - Wikipedia

Google 翻訳

Muscadelle Wine - wine-searcher



These grapes are grown all around the world. However, very few places have the required climatic conditions to produce sweet wines of this style

not to be confused with fortified wines such as sherry or port the sweet wines of Sauterne and Barsac undergo a

Fascinating natural process known as noble rot

Instigated by a fungus called botrytis cinerea noble rot can only occur under highly precise conditions



Greek for “grapes,” and Latin for “cinder,” or ashes. ("ブドウの灰"菌って意味)

Sauternes Wine — History & Sweetness - Betty's Wine Musings


we are in a specific microclimate that encourages the proliferation of botrytis and


Microclimate alternates between these humid mornings and these dry sunny afternoons

that allows the evaporation of water and the concentration of sugar


So more technically botrytis attacks grapes and makes little holes in the skin

And in the afternoon the water is going to evaporate through these holes

and you're going to concentrate your sugar


Basically, we have a lot of Indian summers in this region

so this going back and forth between these misty humid mornings, and these sunny afternoons is a

Prerequisite to controlling the botrytis to evolve into what we call noble rot. So



・湿気のある午前 & 乾燥した午後


→菌がブドウに穴をあける → (その穴から...)午後にブドウの水分が蒸発




Botrytis. What flavours is it going to give the wine?

So in addition to helping us concentrate the grape and also produce glycerol, which gives wines texture


Botrytis gives us aromas. It's very hard to explain the characteristics of these aromas

It's very personal some people associate it in a very young wine to some kind of

Grapefruit characteristic the zestiness. And older wines I think it's easier to spot it as a spicy characteristics





Sauternes and Barsac now lead the way for high-end sweet wine production around the world

However, the history of this particular winemaking practice is somewhat contested

There's a lot of different stories that people tell about how we came to make sweet wine

There's the the great legend of a Chateau where the owner went hunting and told everybody

please wait till I get back

And then when he got back there was all this fungus and you know often they had the idea of making sweet wines


there's also the story of

the Dutch that were very present in Bordeaux because they were building the

drainage system up in the Merdoc and they had a love and

A knowledge of botrytis to them German area in Austria, so they brought that knowledge to Bordeaux

and helped us develop

The techniques to turn these botrytis grapes into sweet wines

So it's probably a little bit of both a happy accident





ロスチャイルド家とワイン - Wikipedia


But also the right people at the right place with the knowledge to help us develop

Wine making in the appellation Sauternes in Barsac is often a huge challenge

because of the unique conditions required the noble rot to occur

Not enough moisture and the grapes will dry out before the onset of fungus

Too much moisture and the fungus will turn to gray rot

a negative result that effects any different parts destroying their fruit

Well, everything links back to botrytis and unfortunately but rises an anarchist, so it doesn't attack a bunch of berry all in one go

It's gonna start a little bit here a little bit there

And as a result, when we hand harvest we have to go and look at each bunch and pick the berries that are ready

So in a vineyard, you're going to go through in our in our case

I could say we go through six to eight times

during a period of six to eight weeks. Wow. each person looking at a vine and

Picking the fruit that's reached the right level of concentration.





So here you're in a first growth

So we're looking for twenty one - twenty two degrees of potential alcohol. So it's very concentrated fruit

We're picking those berry by berry

We're gonna put these in these little baskets, the baskets goes into a second selection process where someone from our team

Will go through and take anything out. That's not qualitative


And then the fruit goes into the cellar and we're gonna start pressing. That's so meticulous. It's a lot of work

I presume this is gonna impact the yield and then the final cost of the wine because that's a lot of

Work already just for a harvest


So in our region, we're making about one glass of wine per vine

Relatively speaking. If you're taking a red producer of the same quality you're making an entire bottle

Wow, that's a really really good comparison. So one vine will give me one glass. That's correct

It's a little to work for a glass of wine

It's passion its devotion. It's a lot of hard work all year long to ensure that the fruit is healthy at the time of harvest.



貴腐ワイン → グラス1杯分しかできない!!

通常の赤ワイン → ボトル1本分



ミュスカデルを調べているとマデリゼーションって言葉を発見。ポルトガルのマデイラ酒よろしく "熱処理する" ってニュアンスなんだけど。そういやカンテイロとかエストゥーファって言葉がありますね

Maderisation - Wikipedia








The Wine Classification Of Bordeaux




シャトー・パルメ (メドック - 3級 - マルゴー)





シャトー・ポンテカネ (メドック - 5級 - ポイヤック)


↓ろくでなしチャンの解説が素晴らしい!! ってか金あるなー。スゲー。

名称 = ジャン・フランソワ・ポンテ(法律家) + カネ (地名)



シャトー・ペトリュス (ポムロール - ※格付け外)




シャトー・ルパン (ポムロール - ※格付け外)




シャトー・セルタン・ド・メイ (ポムロール - ※格付け外)



セルタン(=地名 or 「砂漠」の意 )+ メイ(=前所有者名)。



シャトー・ラフルール (ポムロール - ※格付け外)






シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト (メドック - 1級 - ポイヤック)






シャトー・カントメルル (メドック - 5級 - オー・メドック)

ムートンの話は有名として、このカントメルルのご婦人がネジ込んだって話も気合入ってて面白い。この160年ほどの歴史で↑2回しか変わっていないという事実www (...当時のカントメルルが、ボルドーのクルティエを通さず直接オランダと取引していたため、その販売価格をクルティエ達が知らなかったため...)











【発見】仏ボルドー地方 概要 / 歴史 / 新たに承認された品種(2019年) ... など







The Basics Of The Bordeaux Wine Region



東京都の面積の約半分 = 21万ヘクタール


クラレット = ボルドーの赤の意


→2011年11月、Union desMaisonsdeNegocedeBordeaux の社長は「軽くてフルーティーで飲みやすい、元のクラレットと同じスタイルのワイン」にクラレット・ド・ボルドーという用語を使用する意向を発表。




Google 翻訳


※同列は Pinot Gris 、Roter Riesling、  Chardonnay Rosé



Google 翻訳

x:墓 → 〇グラーヴ(砂利の意)






la hite”, which means “hillock”

小高いところを意味するブランス語「ラ・イット」から「ラフィット」と名づけられた (協会冊子によると「もともと湿地で、小高い丘の上くらいじゃないと立派ななブドウが育てられなかった=他と比べると質が高かった...」的な説明アリ。)




























まずはこちら。あとから要点を復習します。[所要時間 : 8分50秒]

Red Winemaking in Bordeaux Explained





Bordeaux, one of the oldest winemaking regions in the world and the

Spiritual home of some of the world's most noble grapes such as Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon


although Bordeaux produces world-class white and sweet wines

90% of its production is its famed red wines



Unlike Burgundy where wines were usually be made from one variety of grape in Bordeaux The art of blending is a fundamental aspect of the winemaking process



in fact, wine making in Bordeaux has been developed over thousands of years the Red wine making process begins with harvesting. However, knowing exactly when to harvest is never an easy decision

How do you know when it's the right time to collect the grapes?

Starting journey So in on the right bank you harvest at the end of September beginning of October we start to do

analysis of the berries




So we analyse the pH, the acidity, the weight of the berry all this

We do it on several weeks on every plot of the vineyard

We have four or five analysis

Once the acidity is low and the sugar is quite high

We also taste the berries because even if they analyse say it's ready to pick after

nothing is better than actually to taste and to see if

Especially the skin if it's too thick or not for us It's very exciting. But also



worrying because we want to harvest in very good condition when it's sunny like today and we always scared about the rain so

sometimes you will harvest a bit earlier because

After you will have one week of bad weather with lots of rain

We try as much as possible not to harvest when weather conditions are not good



In Bordeaux harvesting can be done either by hand or by machine

However, the top Chateau will almost always hand harvest for their flagship wines. So in terms of how harvest can affect

Vintage do you cut by hand, do you use machines? How does the harvest process look here?

We do mechanical harvest and hand harvest I would say that generally on all vines because it's more fragile (フラジャイル = 壊れやすい)

We do it by hand and on younger vine we use mechanical harvest with optical tree

both of them are very

Collective now, it's more on the age of the plot of vineyard that we make the difference

看板ワイン = 手摘み ⇔ ブドウの樹が若い = 機械摘み


After harvest, grapes must be sorted to remove any unwanted berries. This process is usually done by hand

However recent advances in technology have introduced mechanical sorting that is incredibly accurate



What a sorting mean? How does that look? It means that you take the berries out of the Ruffle(ラッフル・ぐちゃぐちゃになったもの) and on mechanical harvest it's done with a machine and today we have a very precise optical Sorting let's take out the berries

It's new technology and mechanical harvest is not like 20 years ago today. It gives very good result



Once sorted, grapes will be ready to be transferred to vats usually made of stainless steel in

Bordeaux grapes will either be crushed to release their juice or placed in the vat as whole berries, we will always be disturbed first

So the grapes are harvested they're sorted and then what happens? When they are sorted they go into vats either

The berries are crushed

Before it goes into the vats or you put the berries and they are full we do both here both techniques



Now when the berries are not crushed before they go in you can find some difference into the wine

The wine will be more powerful more around because the fermentation two alcoholic fermentation

Is done more gently



Once in the vats the unfermented grape juice will begin a process of maceration

Extracting the colour, flavour and tannins from the grape, skins and pips



During maceration alcoholic fermentation occurs, either naturally or through the addition of selected yeasts to the vat

Alcoholic fermentation is the process of yeast consuming the grapes natural sugars. There are three natural byproducts of fermentation

ethanol or alcohol, carbon dioxide and heat



whilst in the vat

Winemakers may choose to increase the extraction of colour and tannins by either pumping over the must which is the fermenting juice or cap punching

pushing the grape skins down into the liquid



Producers may leave fermented juice with the skins for three to four weeks

Even after alcoholic fermentation has finished to increase tannins and structure in their wines



So someone asked you about tannins, for example

Where do they come from? The tannins come from the pips and the skin



Okay after alcoholic fermentation

The existing juice is removed from the skins and the skins go through a pressing process to release any additional juice


After pressing, the wine is transferred to a new vessel, which may be stainless steel tanks

However for fine wines it will most commonly be transferred to new French oak barrels known as barrique

出来の良いワインはフレンチオークの新樽に入れる(→新樽の強い香味にも負けないから)。バリックって樽の名称・容量(225リットル)にも注目。⇔ ブルゴーニュはピエスで228リットル



Whilst the process of malolactic fermentation may have already occurred. It will normally take place once in the new vessel

during malolactic fermentation

Microorganisms(マイクロオーガニズムス = 微生物) naturally found in grape juice transformed tart malic(リンゴ酸) acid found in green apples into soft lactic acid(乳酸)

Which is found in milk this process softens the wine and helps to give it a smoother texture




The wine is then left to mature for 18 to 24 months during what is known as elevage

While maturing the wine will go through a racking process roughly every three months where it is transferred to different barrels to remove any remaining

sediment(セディメント = 沈殿物) in the wine and also provide controlled oxygenation

This step is critical to the development of flavours and aromas in a red wine




In Bordeaux producers commonly used two hundred and twenty five litre French oak barrels for maturation

Tiny pores(ポアーズ孔:あな) in the would allow for micro oxygenation

softening the wine and creating a smoother final product



In Bordeaux, the art of blending is critical to the success of winemaking

Producers may choose to blend different grape varieties, parcels and styles of vinification

Before elevage, whilst others may do it at the end of elevage

Known as bench blending producers will identify different attributes of each barrel of wine to decide on what their final blend will be

This is an incredibly labour-intensive and intricate process and some wines in Bordeaux may be a blend of over 100 different wines

So speaking about the blending process how many samples of the blends do you make before you select

the final ones?


depends of the year, but

generally, it lasts three months and

Sometimes it's once a week

Sometimes it's twice a week and it's a time for arguing because you have always with commercial


the winemakers so we asked for another blind testing the following days or week and

To see how it evolved because there are ideas on the question. We have ours, you know, it's

complex and very tense





Once blended the wine will still be cloudy. So a process of fining may be done to remove unwanted particles. Thus clarifying the wine

fining agents may be natural proteins which in Bordeaux has

Traditionally been egg whites though synthetic products can also be used most commonly in vegan wines



the final step of the process is

Filtration and bottling with the wines being transferred from tank to bottle and the final cork being added

Bottles are then labeled and ready for sale



The best red wines of Bordeaux are a masterful blend and no two years are the same

So wine makers must react to each vintages specific conditions


These basic steps to winemaking in Bordeaux will vary between producers depending on their philosophy and winemaking style

winemakers have to make a multitude of decisions along the way to capture the essence of the vintage and their

signature in each and every bottle








【フランス概論】動画を見てモザイクを埋めよう!! + OB/OG向け難問










[所要時間約 12分]

Getting Started With French Wine | Wine Folly








The following is a list of French wines that are entitled to use the designation Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) on their label. There are currently over 300 appellations (300以上)

List of Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée wines - Wikipedia


est un vin blanc français produit dans le vignoble d'Alsace essentiellement à partir des cépages pinot blanc B et auxerrois B4. (ピノ・ブラン、オーセロワなどのブレンド)

Pinot d'Alsace — Wikipédia






エーデルツヴィッカーとは? -Edelzwicker|カーヴ(Cave) -ワインがもっと楽しくなる!日本最大級のワインのレビューサイト











QWPSR (何の略?)

・river Ill (どこの川?)

・river Saone (どこの川?)

Brittany (どこ?)

Picardy (どこ?)

